Liberty's Best
is a local Family Farm,
providing Farm Fresh products,
for the local community.
Serving Butler County and the surrounding communities of West Chester, Liberty Twp, Hamilton, Middletown, Oxford & Trenton.
Farm Raised Fresh Herbs
We love herbs and their delicious addition to food. In 2020 we raised Genovese basil, Thai basil, rosemary, thyme, and purple ruffles basil. Our herbs are available in a pint or quart and were our longest running product with availability from early April all the way through December!
Farm Fresh Eggs
Nothing tastes better than a delicious, wholesome farm fresh egg. Our free range chickens spend most days in the sun and on the grass. Their eggs are collected daily and ready for your family to enjoy! Our brown and white eggs offer the same health benefits and are sold in mixed dozens. Please call for availability and to ensure we don't miss you!
Farm Raised Hydropinic Lettuce
We've starting growing lettuce hydroponically in our 30' greenhouse in 2019 and boy is it good! Hydroponics grows in water with nutrients added! Our delicious butter crunch, romaine, and green leaf lettuces grow in approximately 45 days due to having all they need to thrive! Once ready to harvest, we pull the lettuce and deliver it to you within several hours of harvest! We're sure you'll love it as much as we do!
Farm Raised Pork
Don't miss the opportunity to stock your freezer this spring with pork chops, bacon, and delicious farm raised sausage. Two hogs scheduled for processing in mid February. Contact us to reserve your half or whole hog.